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  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Stalin, Hitler, and Mao all had horribly abusive fathers whom they hated, and kind mothers whom they adored.
  • The Don: Was the king of the Republic City criminal underworld.
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    Despair Event Horizon: When Noatak ran away and seemed to have died out on the tundra, he felt his desire for revenge would never be fulfilled.De-power: Aang, seeing how dangerous he was, took away his bending for good to defeat him.Then comes Yakone and is able to easily perform it telepathically, in broad daylight. It was a bending style so horrifying and brutal to the point it could give someone a life sentence and was believed to only be doable under a full moon. Daylight Horror: Not him, but rather his ability to bloodbend is this.Chekhov's Gunman: Namedropped by Tarrlok early on, and later appears in Korra's visions before we finally learn he's Tarrlok's father, and Amon's.Cardboard Prison: He used his connections and wealth to break out of prison quite easily.Bad Powers, Bad People: A particularly evil bloodbender.Bad People Abuse Animals: Yakone doesn't do it personally, but he forced his children to bloodbend helpess animals as part of their training, something Tarrlok couldn't bring himself to do.Though they too ultimately failed, their actions had far-reaching consequences for Republic City. The Bad Guy Wins: While he never lived to see it and ironically died a broken man thinking he was a total failure, his attempts to raise his sons into his instruments of vengeance on Republic City and the Avatar succeeded.Ax-Crazy: Frequent use of bloodbending turned him into this.While Yakone was definitely abusive to both Tarrlok and Noatak, they weren't enemies in the strictest sense. Their characters designs as they age reflect this when he looks fifty or so and has gone gray haired, she has only put on a little weight and is otherwise still twenty-looking. Age-Gap Romance: Their exact ages aren't given, but Yakone was already in his thirties when he met his future wife, while she looked like a teenager.Tellingly, the reason Tarrlok gave for him dying a broken old man wasn't regret for his actions, but the thought that his plans for revenge had failed. He rivals Ozai at this, possibly exceeding him when he made his two sons bloodbend each other. Abusive Parents: Was one to Tarrlok and Noatak once he discovered their abilities.

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    He was capable of performing bloodbending at any time without the need for hand motions, and used his powers to rule Republic City's criminal underworld. According to Tarrlok, he was such a serious threat that Aang had to deal with him decisively.

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    A man who threatened Republic City during Avatar Aang's adulthood.

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